Advances in Preference Handling

Multidisciplinary Working Group affiliated to EURO

This blog summarizes events related to preference handling.

MPREF 2007

The third multidisciplinary workshop on advances in preferences handling had been organized by Jim Delgrande and Werner Kießling. It had been held on September 23, 2007 in Vienna, Austria in conjunction with VLDB 2007. The workshop program included an invited talk on “Quantum Computing, Database Search and Preferences” and fourteen presentations on topics such as preference queries, preference modeling, preference representation, and preferences in logic programming.

M-PREF 2007


The workshop on preference handling for artificial intelligence had been held on July 22, 2007 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in conjunction with AAAI-07, organized by Jon Doyle, Judy Goldsmith, Ulrich Junker, and Jérôme Lang. The workshop proceedings are available as AAAI Technical Report WS-07-10. The fourteen papers apply preferences to AI problems such as e-commerce, auctions, intelligent assistance, winner determination in majority voting, game theory, search for solving combinatorial problems, configuration, meeting scheduling, geographic map generation, peer-to-peer networks, and conference paper assignment. The papers address questions concerning the elicitation, learning, representation of preferences, and optimization under preferences. A report about the workshop is included in the AAAI 2007 Workshop Reports published in AI Magazine,Vol. 28, No 4. The workshop provided the basis for the special issue of the AI Magazine on preferences, volume 29, No 4, Winter 2008.

MPREF 2006

The second multidisciplinary workshop on advances in preferences handling had been held on August 28 - 29, 2006 in Riva del Garda, Italy in conjunction with ECAI 2006. It had been organized by Ulrich Junker and Werner Kießling. The workshop proceedings include the papers of the twenty-one presentations, which cover topics such as preference elicitation, preference representation, preference aggregation, voting theory, multi-criteria optimization, data-base queries, and applications of preferences in areas such as mechanism design, planning and reasoning about actions, and recommender systems. A detailed report about the workshop can be found in the first issue of the  MCDM Newsletter, 2007.

M-PREF 2006

MPREF 2005

This first multidisciplinary workshop on advances in preference handling had been held on July 31 - August 1, 2005 in Edinburgh, Scotland in conjunction with IJCAI-05. The workshop organizers had been Ronen Brafman and Ulrich Junker. The workshop program included thirty-four presentations on topics such as preference elicitation, logical and graphical preference representations, preference aggregation, and applications of preferences to AI planning and constraint programming. The workshop was accompanied by a tutorial on preference models and applications given on July 30.

M-PREF 2005

Dagstuhl Seminar 04271

The Dagstuhl Seminar 04271 on “Preferences: Specification, Inference, Applications” attracted researchers from artificial intelligence, databases, decision sciences, mathematics, and philosophy who are all interested in computational methods for preference handling. The seminar had been organized by Gianni Bosi, Ronen Brafman, Jan Chomicki, and Werner Kießling. It had been held on June 27 - July 2, 2004 in Dagstuhl. The program has been very broad, covering topics such as preference modeling, utility theory, preference representations, preference aggregation, social choice theory, preference queries in data-bases, constraints and preferences, preferences in logic programming, and preference elicitation. The proceedings include the abstracts of the presentations as well as a collection of full papers. The event served as an incubator of the workshop series on advances in preference handling.

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