Advances in Preference Handling

Multidisciplinary Working Group affiliated to EURO

This blog summarizes events related to preference handling.

ADT 2015

The Fourth International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory has been held on September 27 - 30, 2015 in Lexington, Kentucky (USA) and organized by Judy Goldsmith (conference chair) and Toby Walsh (program chair). In addition to preferences in reasoning and decision making, the conference covered algorithmic challenges to modern decision support and automation, uncertainty and robustness in decision making, multi-criteria decision analysis and optimization, collective decision making, decision-theoretic artificial intelligence, and machine learning and knowledge extraction for decision support. The conference accepted submissions for proceedings which have been published as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series as well as submissions without proceedings that are published elsewhere. ADT 2015 has been co-located with the 13th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning LPNMR 2015. Lexington is situated in the Bluegrass region and known for horse races, basketball, and Bourbon. The conference proceedings have been published as Volume 9346 of the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.

MPREF 2015

The ninth multidisciplinary workshop on advances in preferences handling has been organized by Darius Braziunas, Markus Endres, K. Brent Venable, Paul Weng, and Lirong Xia in Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 27, 2015, in conjunction with IJCAI 2015. The workshop has been held jointly with the workshop on intelligent personalization. The combined program featured two invited talks and fourteen presentations. The talks related to preference handling covered topics such as preference elicitation, conditional preferences, and preferences in data-bases.

M-PREF 2015

MPREF 2014

The eighth multidisciplinary workshop on advances in preferences handling has been held in Quebec City, Canada on July 28, 2014, in conjunction with AAAI 2014. The workshop organizers have been Darius Braziunas, Markus Endres, K. Brent Venable, Paul Weng, and Lirong Xia. The program included an invited talk and sixteen presentations about conditional and constraint-based preferences, preference reasoning, voting, and preference modeling and languages. The workshop proceedings are available as AAAI Technical Report WS-14-10. A report about the workshop is included in the AAAI 2014 Workshop Reports published in AI Magazine,Vol. 36, No 1.

M-PREF 2014

ADT 2013

The Third International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory has been held on November 13 - 15, 2013 at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. The conference has been organized by Marc Pirlot, Yves De Smet, Patrice Perny, Alexis Tsoukiàs, and Paolo Viappiani. The program included four invited talks, thirty regular talks, and a poster session. The conference covered topics such as social choice, voting, preferences, multiobjective optimisation, preference learning, decision under uncertainty and risk, and multicriteria decision aid. The conference proceedings have been published as Volume 8176 of the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series. This volume includes twenty-four of the presented papers and the ten papers of the poster session. Six of the presented papers have already been published elsewhere and have not been included in the proceedings.

MPREF 2013

The seventh multidisciplinary workshop on advances in preferences handling has been organized by Markus Endres, Souhila Kaci, Kristen Brent Venable and Paolo Viappiani. It had been held in Beijing, China on August 4, 2013, in conjunction with IJCAI 2013. The program featured an invited talk and fourteen papers, covering topics such as conditional preferences, preference learning, game theory, voting theory, and combinatorial auctions.

M-PREF 2013
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