Advances in Preference Handling

Multidisciplinary Working Group affiliated to EURO

This blog summarizes events related to preference handling.

MPREF 2012

The sixth multidisciplinary workshop on advances in preferences handling had been organized by Nicolas Maudet, K. Brent Venable, and Paolo Viappiani. It had been held in Montpellier, France on August 27, 2012, in conjunction with ECAI 2012. The program consisted of an invited talk about preference representation languages and fourteen presentations of papers about topics such as voting and manipulation, voting and resource allocation, applications of preferences, recommendation and explanations, and preference languages and formalisms. 

M-PREF 2012

ADT 2011

The Second International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory had been held on October 26 - 28, 2011 at DIMACS, Rutgers University. It had been organized by Ronen Brafman, Fred S. Roberts, and Alexis Tsoukiàs. The program included twenty-four papers, several invited talks, and two invited tutorials. The topics covered computational social choice, uncertainty in decision making, multi-criteria decision making, preference modeling, preference learning, game theory, and explanation generation for decision making. The proceedings have been published by Springer-Verlag as Volume 6992 of the Lecture Notes of Computer Science.

MPREF 2010

The fifth multidisciplinary workshop on advances in preferences handling had been held on August 16, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, in conjunction with ECAI 2010. The workshop had been organized by Ulrich Junker, Jérôme Lang, and Patrice Perny, The program consisted of fourteen papers about topics such as hybrid preference representations, preference aggregation and voting, preferences and social networks, preference-based data retrieval, optimization under preferences, and application of preferences in recommender systems, multi-agent systems, and access-control systems.

M-PREF 2010

ADT 2009

The First International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory had been organized by Francesca Rossi and Alexis Tsoukiàs and had been held on October 20 - 23, 2009 in Venice, Italy. It provided an interdisciplinary forum for uncertainty and robustness in decision making, preferences in reasoning and decision, decision-theoretic artificial intelligence, and learning and knowledge extraction. It was organized by the COST Action IC0602 and the EURO Working Group on Preferences. The proceedings have been published by Springer-Verlag as Volume 5783 of the Lecture Notes of Computer Science.

MPREF 2008

The fourth multidisciplinary workshop on advances in preferences handling had been held on July 13 - 14, 2008 in Chicago, Illinois, in conjunction with AAAI 2008. The workshop organizers had been Jan Chomicki, Vincent Conitzer, Ulrich Junker, and Patrice Perny. The workshop proceedings are available as AAAI Technical Report WS-08-09. Twenty-four papers covered methods for modeling, representation, aggregation, elicitation, learning, and management of preferences and for reasoning and computation with preferences. The papers studied the usage of preferences in computational tasks from decision making, database querying, web search, personalized human-computer interaction, personalized recommender systems, e-commerce, multi-agent systems, game theory, social choice, combinatorial optimization, and planning. The workshop program furthermore included an invited talk about preference elicitation, a panel discussion about preferences and game theory, and a poster session. A report about the workshop is included in the AAAI 2008 Workshop Reports published in AI Magazine,Vol. 30, No 1.

M-PREF 2008
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