Advances in Preference Handling

Multidisciplinary Working Group affiliated to EURO

This blog provides news and announcements related to research on preference handling.

Aug 30, 2018

Pont Adolphe Luxembourg City

Time has passed since the last news blog, but events on preference handling continued going on. In 2017, the working group on advances in preference handling has met at the Fifth International Conference On Algorithmic Decision Theory, which has been organized by Jörg Rothe and Raymond Bisdorff in Luxembourg on October 25-27. You can find a short summary of this conference in our events blog

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May 3, 2016

Statue of Liberty

The chatbot shouldn't respond this! Words have a meaning and thus an effect. They may solve problems or create problems. They may be beneficial or not. If a dialogue system is not able to evaluate the consequences of words it may cause damage. This is the lesson drawn from chatbots that "naively" replicated phrases from ill-intentioned users.
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Feb 2, 2015

Green grass

The last fifty years have seen a major change in the role and purpose of computing. Early computer systems were dedicated to administrative and logistic tasks and required significant efforts from all stakeholders to build, deploy, and use those systems. Those early systems produced results without explaining whether and how those results addressed the problem posed to the machine.
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Mar 3, 2014

St. Laurent Stream

While the Dagstuhl Seminar on Preference Learning is ongoing, it is time to give an outlook on forthcoming events that are of interest for preference handling and to present an interesting initiative for research collaboration.

The Eighth Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling M-PREF 2014 will be held in July 27-28, 2014 in Quebec City, Canada …
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Apr 15, 2013


If people have the right tools in their hands, they may use them for creating unimagined results. Crowdsourcing is an excellent example. The web just provides a service and it is the combined effort of millions of users which creates the rich contents.

Other, perhaps more important, kind of tools are tools of thought.
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