Advances in Preference Handling

Multidisciplinary Working Group affiliated to EURO

Quai de la Dorade Toulouse

The working group will meet at the M-PREF 2022 workshop in Vienna, Austria  on July 23, 24, or 25. Please submit your papers by May 13.

Mar 31, 2022


LinkedIn Group on Preference Handling
Mail to the Working Group on Advances in Preference Handling

It took a bit longer this year, but finally the events on preference handling got announced begin of March.

The 13th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling M-PREF 2022 will be held in Vienna, Austria on July 23, 24, or 25, 2022 in conjunction with IJCAI-ECAI 2022. The workshop will address all computational aspects of preference handling and is organized by Meltem Öztürk, Paolo Viappiani, Christophe Labreuche, and Sébastien Destercke. Submissions are expected by May 13, 2022. Please consult the workshop web site for more information. This workshop will also serve as this year’s meeting of the working group on Advances in Preference Handling. As IJCAI 2022 is intended to be a physical event, this will give us the opportunity to meet in person again as at the nice ADT 2021 conference last year. Please consult the IJCAI web site for up-to-date regulations with respect to the pandemic.

Later during the year, the DA2PL 2022 (From Multiple-Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning) will be held on November 17 - 18, 2022 at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, which is located in a nice countryside close to Paris. This event will be organized by Khaled Belahcene and Sébastien Destercke. It aims to bring together researchers from decision analysis and machine learning with the purpose of supporting a cross-fertilization of these disciplines. The paper submission deadline is on September 1, 2022. Please consult the DA2PL 2022 website for more details.

In addition to these two events that are supported by the EWG on Advances in Preference Handling, we would like to mention some other conferences related to preference handling.

Firstly, the 26th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making MCDM 2022 will be held at the University of Portsmouth on June 26 - July 1, 2022. This conference has several streams of interest for our community, namely analytic hierarchy / network processes, evolutionary multi-objective optimization, goal programming, interactive MCDM, multi-objective optimization, outranking methods, rule-based methods, and value and utility models. The conference chair is Alessio Ishizaka.

Secondly, there will be a stream of invited sessions on preference learning at the 32nd EURO Conference in Espoo, Finland on July 3 - 6, 2022. This stream is organized by Salvatore Greco and Roman Slowinski and sponsored by the EURO Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aiding.

The year 2022 thus brings the physical meetings back and will allow for more vivid discussions between researchers. We would like to close this article with some interesting news from the last AAAI conference, which has been held on February 22 - March 1, 2022. The AAAI 2022 Outstanding Paper Award has been won by a paper related to preference handling. The winners are Virginie Do, Sam Corbett-Davies, Jamal Atif and Nicolas Usunier and the title of their price-winning paper is Online certification of preference-based fairness for personalized recommender systems. The authors give some additional information about their work in an interview conducted by AIhub.

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MAY 2022

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NOV 2022

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