Please join our discussion group on LinkedIn if you want an immediate access to ongoing discussions on preference handling, early announcements of events or get in touch with researchers and practitioners interested in advances in preference handling!
This blog provides news about recent events that are related to preference handling. It will be updated in regular time periods and take a picture of what has happened in the recent period such as workshops and conferences, book publications and special issues, PhD theses, and so on. Contributions can be submitted via the steering committee of the working group in advances in preference Handling.
However, the news blog does not allow speedy announcements of upcoming events on preference handling. This is better achieved through the new discussion forum on preference handling. Researchers and practitioners who have a LinkedIn account can subscribe to this discussion forum and use it to exchange information about their ongoing activities or seek the advices of group members for questions about preference handling. Launched in November 2011, the group already has more than eighty members!
Researcher, practitioners, and students who want to learn more about preference handling and related fields can consult the introductory and seminal work collected on the readings in preference handling page. It provides a selection of references to the literature related to advances in preference handling, including special issues, overview articles and tutorials as well as seminal work and bibliographies. It covers work from Artificial Intelligence, Data-base Research, Operations Research, and the Decision Sciences.
Combined together, the news blog, the discussion forum, and the readings page thus should allow everybody interested in the topic to find the right way for exchanging information.
The next workshop on Advances in Preference Handling will be co-located with ECAI 2012 which will be held in Montpellier, France on August 27-31.