Advances in Preference Handling

Multidisciplinary Working Group affiliated to EURO


The workshop on preferences in artificial intelligence and constraint programming had been organized by Jim Delgrande, Jon Doyle, Ulrich Junker, Francesca Rossi, and Torsten Schaub. It had been held on July 28 - 29, 2002 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in conjunction with AAAI-02. The workshop proceedings are available as AAAI Technical Report WS-02-13. The workshop program consisted of an invited talk on “Preferences: Some Problems and Prospects” and sixteen presentations on topics such as preferences and soft constraints, logical approaches to preferences, preferences and agents, decision theory, and preference elicitation. A report about the workshop is included in the AAAI 2002 Workshop Reports published in AI Magazine,Vol. 23, No 4. The workshop provided the basis for the special issue of Computational Intelligence on preferences, volume 20, number 2, 2004.

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