Advances in Preference Handling

Multidisciplinary Working Group affiliated to EURO

This blog provides news and announcements related to research on preference handling.

Feb 18, 2013

French Riviera

Last year has been packed with interesting scientific events related to preference handling, including workshops and tutorials at ECAI, sessions on preference learning at EURO, and a dedicated workshop on the relationship between preference modeling and preference learning.

Although it is still quite early in 2013, new events are already at the horizon.
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Nov 1, 2012

Flowers of a cactus

Whereas the decision sciences have elaborated and explored preference models for explaining, predicting, and guiding decision making behaviour since more than hundred years, newer research started in the fields of artificial intelligence and other human-centered computational fields is investigating how to represent rich preference information compactly.
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May 12, 2012

Australian Goldcoast

Ten years later and the results are impressive. The workshops on advances in preference handling became a hub of knowledge. Researchers from artificial intelligence, data-base systems, operations research exchanged methods for preference modeling, preference representation, preference aggregation, preference elicitation and used them for problems as diverse as …
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Mar 25, 2012

Alp Mountains

Computing has become a pleasure thanks to human-oriented computing devices such as tablets and human-friendly interface designs. People now have the computational tools in their hands that facilitate activities such as news reading, photo editing, gaming, and many more.  However, as for any other tool, the user must decide what the tool has to do and this for each operation …
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Feb 6, 2012

Harbour of Marseille

This blog provides news about recent events that are related to preference handling. It will be updated in regular time periods and take a picture of what has happened in the recent period such as workshops and conferences, book publications and special issues, PhD theses, and so on. Contributions can be submitted via the steering committee of the working group in advances in preference Handling.
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