Advances in Preference Handling

Multidisciplinary Working Group affiliated to EURO

This blog provides news and announcements related to research on preference handling.

Apr 7, 2021

Windmill on Thera

Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has become a popular topic and we may ask which kinds of interconnections may exist between preferences and explanations. Explanations have been considered in artificial intelligence since a long time as an intelligent system should not only be able to solve problems, but also capable to explain its solutions. Explanations are particularly important if the solution …
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Jul 20, 2020

Mac with mike

Scientific exchange has always been essential for scientific progress. The reason for this is simple: scientific theories need to be challenged, criticized, and put to the test. Scientific progress requires a debate between scientists who are pursuing different approaches and who are dialoguing with each other by developing arguments and counterarguments.

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Feb 14, 2020

Blue statue

Scientific inquiry is concerned with the discovery of universally valid theories. These can be mathematical theories and universality can be established by proofs. Or these can be theories about the world and the inquiry needs to go through a process that seeks to show experimentally that the theory is wrong. The theory is adopted if it is able to explain the observed phenomena and all efforts to falsify it have failed. 

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Oct 5, 2019

Rising sun

Decision policies are everywhere in our society of the early 21st century. They are used for a large variety of tasks ranging from loan approval, shopping recommendation, simple query-answering as used in chatbots up to the configuration of cars and PCs. They may be based on explicit rules, be extrapolated from data, or be formulated as constrained optimization problems. 

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Mar 2, 2019

Basketball basket

The world wide web touches a profound elementary human need, the need of receiving, emitting, and displaying information. This came unexpected. Technologists often struggle to realize their dreams and do not pose questions about the possible societal impact of their technology that is obtained once the technology is working. As such, even the inventors of the world wide web do not know why it has such a …

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